October 2009 Archives

Last-minute reminder


Whoa, sorry to vanish like that. In all the excitement of having the Accessories Collection up, we must have taken an eight-day nap! I have some more exciting knitting things to share with you, but this post is just a super-last-minute reminder about the Trunk Show happening in Portland this evening:

Family Trunk Project Trunk Show
at Twisted, 2310 NE Broadway
Portland, OR 97232
5 - 8pm
FREE, with fancy beverages!

Come hang out with me and the garments, both family- and literature-related, and check out my cool new additions to the display. Pictures to follow!

It's up!


The Accessories Collection, which includes the Antonia Shawlette, Caulfield Beanie, Gerda Hat & Mitts, Julia Socks and Wednesday Socks, is now available for purchase!

Each pattern is available individually, or the Collection can be purchased from this page or Ravelry for $18.00. That's a discount of $6.50 over buying all the individual patterns separately. Happy knitting!
