Happy Thanksgiving, US readers! I wanted to make a Thanksgiving post, but needed a little structure. So I stole the idea of doing an alphabet list from Lu over at Regular Rumination. Hope you all have a delicious day!
I'm thankful for (among other things):
Able-bodied-ness. I'm super thankful to be healthy and fit, with all five senses intact.
Board games, and the times of hilarity I spend playing them with my friends and family.
Cousins! I've got four of them, and they're all fantastic. Soon I'll have a wee cousin-once-removed, which will be the first member of the new generation in my family.
David. The best friend and partner I could imagine.
English. While I've never caught myself feeling patriotic toward the United States, I do feel a sense of patriotism about the English language and its literature.
Friends. I feel so thankful for my dear friends - the ones I've known since kindergarten, and the ones I've just met.
Gardens. Not having a yard, I'm thankful there are places like the Classical Chinese Garden and the myriad rose gardens where I can go for a bit of artistically-enhanced nature.
Harry Potter audiobooks. Jim Dale's narration has become so reassuring and familiar that it feels like an old friend. David and Iisten to them whenever we're in need of a little comfort, or a pick-me-up...or any time, really.
Internet. Sometimes I feel like the internet is taking over my life, but without it I wouldn't have met all of YOU, dear readers. Nor would I be able to sell my patterns anywhere NEAR as easily. So, hooray for the Internet!
Job. I feel very thankful to have secured another job recently, and one that fits my needs so happily.
Knitting, of course! I'm so lucky to have found an artistic outlet that suits me so well, and to actually be making a little bit of money at it.
Language. English has a special place in my heart, but I love the sounds and textures of so many languages: French, Spanish, Russian, Romanian, Japanese, Welsh...the list goes on. I'm thankful for so much fascinating diversity of communicative sound.
National (and State) Park Systems. I'm really thankful that magical places like Joshua Tree, Zion, Mt. Hood, Arches and Mesa Verde are being preserved, and I'm thankful for all my past and future opportunities to visit them in person.
Oregon Coast. One of my favorite places, which I always find nourishing and reinvigorating. I'm looking forward to spending New Year's there with my buddy Leah!
Parents who are loving and supportive, and with whom I enjoy spending time. I feel so thankful to be in that situation, and to live in the same city as my folks.
Questions. I'm thankful to live in a place and time where I'm allowed to ask and hear them.
Reading. It's hard even to articulate how much richer and more sacred life is to me as a result of my reading.
Solitude. I'm really thankful for all the wonderful people in my life, and I'm also thankful that I enjoy spending quiet time by myself, reading, thinking, writing, making things, and just hanging out.
Tea (usually herbal). Sitting down for a cup of tea is such a comforting and contemplative experience. I'm thankful I get to do it frequently.
University. I love(d) being in school, and I'm thankful that I got to have such a positive, debt-free college experience.
Virginia Woolf. Clarissa Dalloway, Lily Briscoe, Septimus Warren Smith, and the narrator of A Room of One's Own have made me a better person.
Wool. What a magical fiber: stays warm even when wet, anti-microbial, springy and bouncy, and felts together with a little moisture and friction.
eXit Strategies. I feel very thankful to have discovered that my enochlophobia can be combated by having an exit strategy from any crowd situation.
Yeast. I am not hugely into food, but I am VERY thankful for two edible items that depend on yeast: leavened bread, and wine. Hooray for yeast!
Zoos! I have a childlike delight in zoos, and a particular tenderness toward the Oregon Zoo.