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We're getting press!


This is about to be the most meta blog entry I've ever made, but only because nobody has ever spontaneously written articles about me before.  So put on your postmodern hats, because...

The Family Trunk Project is getting written up in "The Press"!  Our town paper, the Oregonian, ran my favorite Knitty picture and some explanation of the project on their knitting blog.  They also correctly identified the location of our photo shoot: the beautiful Peninsula Park rose gardens.  It's a favorite haunt of ours from days of yore, when David lived in Northeast Portland.  We second the suggestion to check it out in June, although it also has a certain Gothic charm in the winter, when the bare, clipped rose bushes and manicured, slightly dilapidated brickwork look like something out of Brideshead Revisited.  See?


Podcasters Lime and Violet also posted and extremely nice and enthusiastic review of the Trunk Project on their blog.  It features my favorite photo of the Jessie Lambdin shawl, and is headed up by a pretty screenshot of the embroidered tree.  Better yet, it's succinct, well-written and wildly complimentary.  My favorite kind of review!  Thank you, ladies!

And finally (for now), the first person to take me up on my offer to trade stories for patterns has posted about the experience over on her own blog.  Her stories were vivid and intriguing, and I hope to run into more people up for a story-for-pattern trade.  (If you hadn't realized this was an option, check out the Payment Options page for the scoop.)

Needless to say, I am also very excited to start seeing different version of the shawl and sweaters out in the world.  If you're one of the folks who has bought a Family Trunk pattern over the last few days, I would love to see shots of finished projects when they come off the needles!

Marjorie published in Knitty!

Wow!  David and I got back from a leisurely, relaxing sojourn at the Oregon Coast, reciting Orlando in the Virginia Woolf room at the lovely Sylvia Beach Hotel, to find that had gone live and we were inundated with attention!  My pattern Marjorie was published, which was a fantastic way to kick off the Family Trunk Project for real.  Thanks to everyone who has had nice things to say.  It's really made my day to read all of your comments, on Ravelry and elsewhere.  In addition to Marjorie, the Jessie Lambdin Shawl has been getting an unexpected amount of attention, with quite a few pattern sales already!  I am unbelievably excited to see other peoples' versions of these patterns.  Bring them on, folks!

While at the coast we took some photos of the next Family Trunk pattern, a gentlemanly sock project about which I'll post at greater length soon.  For now, thanks again and enjoy the site. 
