Week Two of me-made clothing documentation! I think everything after this week is very likely to be re-runs. Perhaps I should have spaced out my "new" outfits better, but apparently that's not how I roll.
Saturday, May 8
Last weekend the beautiful warm weather descended on Portland, just in time for my birthday! It was actually Sunday, but my folks took David and I out to dinner, then to dessert, and in between the two we had a glorious book-shopping trip at my home away from home. It was great. I wore my Vine Bolero with a little sundress that my mom made for me, as a present for my sixteenth birthday!
Sunday, May 9
Spent my real birthday lounging around the house in guilt-free laziness, in my new blue cords and a tank top from local indie boutique Moxie (I'm linking them because I like them, but this tank top is six years old, so they're unlikely to still, you know, carry it in stock).
Monday, May 10
This is how I usually wear the jacket I made from Vogue 2870: paired with knee breeches and thin, storebought socks for that 18th century mariner look. In the winter I even add a cravat!
Tuesday, May 11
This is one of my favorite work outfits for warmish/transitional days: a cotton gingham dress (which I didn't make myself, but which I'd like to find a similar pattern for) and my Betty Jean McNeil cardigan. Classic 1940s.
Wednesday, May 12
Wednesday I went a bit more casual, with my olive green cords from back in January, and a simple button-down shirt.
Thursday, May 13
I know this is a goofy photo, but you can get a sense of what I'm wearing, and more importantly WHAT is Mr. Bingley doing? Maybe burping? He has such a funny posture going on here. This skirt is my first try at Simplicity 9199 (I wore my second try last week), made with organza and some mysterious green fabric I picked up at Goodwill. Although it's aged OK and I've certainly gotten a lot of wear out of it, I have to say I think my days of shopping for fabric at Goodwill are over. This stuff pills in a really weird way that makes me feel compelled to pick all the pills off one by one. And then there was the unfortunate incident with the pink corduroy I got there to make a "wearable muslin" for my pants pattern, that ended up actually wearable for all of 30 minutes before developing a random tear right through the middle of the butt. There is a limit to my frugality: mill ends, yes. Potentially rotten Goodwill yardage: not anymore.
Also pictured: a silk peasant blouse that was a gift from my mom 9 or 10 years ago.
Friday, May 14
Finishing off the week with another beautiful warm day, I opted for a summery skirt and shell with my Liesl thrown over it. Also decided to accessorize this outfit with a new haircut! Very exciting. I always wait SO long to get my hair cut that when I finally do it, it's like a revelation.
So, that's week two. We'll see how I do during the second half of the month, when I will have to start mixing up my standard outfits to stay interesting. Maybe I'll resort to some of these amazing WWII-era tricks!